Seabased wave energy provides all the benefits of wave power and more. It uses point absorber technology and a linear generator to capture the energy passing through the waves. As a Blue Energy Company, Seabased draws power from the ocean itself—providing clean, local energy while protecting the marine environment.
Advantages to the Seabased wave-to-grid solution include:
1. Seabased wave energy is gentle on the ocean ecosystem
Seabased’s system was designed to provide utility-scale power without harming the ocean or the creatures that live in it. There are no blades. There are no oils to leak. The level of electromagnetic signal coming from the technology is the same as that of standard subsea cables that carry internet signals around the world. These have been shown not to harm sea creatures. In fact, in some places, sea creatures move into the wave energy parks, which are protected from boats, so the wave park becomes an artificial reef and breeding ground.
When the park’s useful life is over, all components can be removed, leaving nothing behind.
The more a country can rely on its own natural resources, the more secure its energy supply becomes. Seabased wave power parks generate electricity locally, reducing dependence on imported fuels and protecting communities from global price volatility.
Instead of locking into decades-long contracts for fossil fuels—often at high and unpredictable prices—countries using wave energy can draw on a reliable, domestic resource that never runs out. That’s the foundation of real energy security.
Because ocean waves are consistent and forecastable, Seabased systems help ensure steady power around the clock—even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing.
This reliability makes Seabased wave parks a valuable tool for strengthening energy independence, especially in island and coastal regions where supply chains are fragile and energy costs are high.
3. Seabased wave energy parks are designed to be environmentally friendly
In addition to being gentle on the ocean ecosystem, our devices are designed to keep our CO2 footprint low.
Most of the materials we use are either recycled—as with recycled steel—and/or recyclable as with concrete.
We use ferrite magnets that don’t contain rare earth elements.
The buoys and bases can be made on site, reducing shipping.
The WECS are modular and components are small enough to be shipped on a regular cargo vessel, not requiring a special trip which consumes more fuel.
Most components can be installed with smaller vessels that require less fuel.
4. Seabased wave energy parks are designed to be affordable
Seabased’s team knows that a key to effecting the renewable energy transition is making clean energy economically competitive with fossil fuels. Consequently, we’ve designed our system for value all along the supply chain to provide seamless, wave-to-grid power, without add-on costs.
Most of our parts are off-the-shelf, rather than custom-made, reducing costs.
The park components are modular and small enough to be containerized as part of the cargo of a normal freighter rather than having to be specially transported.
The installation can be done in a few days, with relatively small vessels that require less fuel.
Wave parks can scale as needed from 2 megawatts to hundreds.
The technology has a design life of at least 20 years in the ocean with minimal maintenance; but where maintenance or replacement is required, it should be easy to do with local boats.
With low installation costs and easy maintenance using local vessels, Seabased parks offer an affordable, low-risk path to clean energy independence.
5. Seabased’s technology is almost invisible from the shore
Coastal areas often pride themselves on their sea views. In fact, sea views significantly contribute to real estate value for homes and resorts. So it’s important that a power technology doesn’t destroy those sea views. Seabased’s technology, which is generally about 2-8km from shore, is entirely underwater except for the buoys. So it creates a lot of power without blocking the view.
6. Seabased’s design protects the technology
Most of the turbulence of the water is on the surface. The deeper you go, the calmer the water is. That’s why Seabased puts its technology on the sea floor where it is safe from storm waves and boats, so that a community’s investment and power generation system is protected. The only part that’s exposed to the waves is the buoy which is just recycled steel.
7. Seabased wave power is easy to integrate on the grid
Waves are more predictable than wind or sun, making Seabased’s system ideal for powering grids that need stable, 24/7 electricity. Unlike wind and solar, which fluctuate with weather and time of day, waves are driven by large-scale ocean forces and can be forecast several days in advance.
This consistency means Seabased wave power can provide a steady baseload of renewable energy—day and night, year-round. It reduces the need for costly energy storage or backup fossil fuels, which are often required to balance other renewables. In island and coastal grids, where stability is a challenge and energy costs are high, this makes Seabased a particularly attractive solution.
Even better, wave power works well alongside solar and wind. When sun or wind output drops, waves often continue—filling the gaps and helping ensure the grid remains reliable. That’s why Seabased wave parks can increase the share of renewables on the grid without the risks of blackouts or major infrastructure upgrades.
Seabased parks can also be co-located with offshore wind to improve overall grid stability and reduce battery storage requirements.
8. Seabased is way ahead of the curve
Seabased is one of the few companies in the world with real-world, grid-connected wave park experience. We have demonstrated wave power parks at full scale under numerous conditions in seas from the Nordics to Ghana. We have optimized the technology to work in places with 1-3 meters waves, so that they can produce power 24/7, in normal conditions and don’t require an intense wave climate.
Seabased has been refining and testing its technology for nearly 20 years. It has also tested the technology’s impact on ocean ecosystems. And it has developed a project pipeline, working with governments around the world on permitting, collaboration with other stakeholders such as fishing communities, and development of economic models to iron out the complexities that come with installing a utility-scale power park.
With projects moving forward in the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific, Seabased is actively partnering with governments and utilities to bring wave power to communities worldwide.
We knew wave energy would one day take its place among the renewable solutions, but accelerating climate change and energy insecurity have made implementation of this solution urgent. Fortunately, Seabased is ready to meet this need—bringing a powerful, reliable, and locally sourced energy solution to market.