Seabased’s patented technology is central to our mission as a Blue Energy Company: delivering clean, stable electricity from the ocean at utility scale. Our wave-to-grid system uses buoys on the surface, connected to linear generators on the seabed, to capture the steady power of ocean waves.

Wave motion lifts and lowers the buoy, driving a translator inside the generator to produce electrical power—reliably and without exposed moving parts. Our underwater switchgear, or Marine Substation, converts the power produced by multiple WECs into electricity suitable for grid use. 

The result is a renewable power solution that is modular, grid-ready, and gentle on the marine environment—ideal for island and coastal markets seeking dependable, CO₂-free electricity.

The Seabased system is fully modular. Using standard 2 and 10MW building blocks, we can deliver small or large wave parks adapted to the needs of each site. This design philosophy also facilitates a stepwise build-up or expansion, increasing flexibility and reducing risk. 

An illustration of a 2MW Seabased array, including buoys, generators, the marine substation, and corresponding cables.

After full-scale multi-generator demonstrations in Sweden and Ghana, Seabased is advancing toward full commercial rollout, with utility-scale wave parks in development for coastal and island markets.

Preparing a generator for deployment

Preparing a generator for deployment

An illustration of the Seabased Wave Energy Converter- including buoy, linear generator and foundation

Explore how it all connects

Our patented wave-to-grid system is just one part of the larger picture. Learn more about the benefits of Seabased wave power, how we design and deploy utility-scale wave parks, and how wave energy supports grid stability and energy security.

Click on the video above to watch the installation of our marine substation at Sotenäs, Sweden.

This simple animation shows how Seabased’s system delivers power from waves all the way to the grid.

Seabased team members working on the Marine Substation used for the Sotenäs project in Sweden

Seabased team members working on the Marine Substation used for the Sotenäs project in Sweden