How we help

As a Blue Energy Company with extensive real-world experience in wave park deployment, Seabased offers targeted advisory services to partners and governments preparing for utility-scale wave power.

Developing a wave power park requires careful, cross-functional planning and coordination. Seabased brings deep expertise in these processes, with a dedicated team of engineers, scientists, and experienced project developers ready to share their knowledge.

These services often mark the first step in co-developing projects that Seabased may later build, own, and operate in partnership with local stakeholders.

We’re pleased to offer consultancy support to help ensure success at every stage. Let us know what you need—we’ll do our utmost to assist.

Pre-Feasibility Studies

We can’t overstate the importance of solid cross-functional preparation work at the earliest stage of project development. Reliable information on a wide range of complex issues affecting a potential future wave park is key to aligning expectations, evaluating options and entering constructive dialogue with all stakeholders.

Seabased can provide desktop pre-feasibility studies to assess the technical viability of wave power park. They include evaluation of the following criteria:

·      Site Location Options

·      Wave Climate Conditions

·      Sea Depth & Bottom Conditions

·      Tidal & Current Conditions

·      Grid Connection Infrastructure

·      Local Infrastructure and Harbors

·      Production, Storage and Installation Conditions

·      Local Climate and Environmental Conditions

Our pre-feasibility studies are based on expert analysis of a variety of maps, charts and surveys, and supplemented with interviews with local experts as needed.

Feasibility STUDIES

Building on the pre-feasibilty studies, the next step toward the successful implementation of a wave power park involves Feasibility Studies to analyze all critical aspects of the project and move it forward to successful financial close. These bespoke studies:

·      Add relevant depth to the topics covered above, especially where questions may have been raised

·      Include site visits, technical surveys and interviews, and may include environmental site studies.

·      Address procedures for grid or microgrid compliance and grid-interconnection agreement

·      Examine local regulations for site permitting, including the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and any navigational markings/ permits needed

·      Explore local procedures for off-take agreements

·      Investigate project procurement and logistics, including identifying local suppliers and potential partners, including ROM costing.

·      Explore how local wave energy can reduce reliance on imported fuels and improve energy stability—key aspects of long-term project viability

All reporting aligns with the FIDIC yellow book format, ensuring compatibility with international standard contract requirements.

Our wave power parks

To learn more about how Seabased develops and deploys wave parks, visit our Wave Power Parks and Technology pages.